Extracted data:
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Case Converter

PicoToolkit goes beyond a simple case converter!

Letter case conversion is one of the most often used text processing features. This is why we decided to make this tool as useful as possible.

The tool is designed to be quick and easy to use while providing even advanced functionality.

Apart from just changing from lower case to upper case PicoToolkit editor provides you with tons of additional features that let you quickly transform any block of text to your desired output.

The functionality of this free case converter

Transforming all letters to the same case brings a lot of advantages. Note that computer software perceives letters differently than humans. For most of the applications, the big letter "A" is a different character than the small "a". That is why most often need to convert text to the same case before even simple data analysis.

First, it lets you find duplicated lines without worrying about letter cases. Second, it allows you to calculate word frequency correctly. 

Convert to lowercase

If you pressed the Caps Lock key by mistake, our tool lets you revert it.

Convert to uppercase

Same as before, if you wish to have big letters but forget to press Caps Lock, you can fix it with a single click.

Convert to capitalized case

The capitalized case is also known as the title case. So if you wish to change the first letter of each word to upper case and leave the other letters lowercased use this option.

Convert to alternate case

It is useful when you wish to revert your chances. It changes all big letters to the small ones and vice versa. This feature is sometimes called an "inverse case".

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