Text Tools
A bunch of useful tools for online text manipulations. The tools allow you to modify large texts of lists of elements.
Add Line Numbers To Text
- Quickly add line numer to the each line.
Add prefix or suffix to each element of a list
- Modify the list by adding the text befor or after each line.
Alphabetize List
- Sort any list of text.
Base64 Encoder and Decoder
- Convert binary data into its textual representation.
Caesar Cipher Decoder and Encoder
- Secure your messages with Caesar Cipher.
Camel Case Converter
- Transform "any text" to "anyText"
Capitalize the first letter of each line
- Uppercase the first letter of each line.
Case Converter
- Fast and easy to use letter case modifier.
Character Counter Online
- Calculates number of characters in text provided.
Convert Newline To Comma
- Turn the multiline list into comma-separated elements
Convert Numbers To Roman Numerals
- Turn Arabic numbers into Roman equivalents.
Convert Roman Numerals To Numbers
- Translate Roman numbers to Arabic equivalents.
Convert Tabs
- Fix text formatting by converting tabs to other characters.
CSV to HTML Converter
- Turn CSV or TSV into HTML table.
CSV to JSON Converter
- Turn any CSV into JSON format.
CSV to XML Converter
- Turn CSV file into XML
CSV Transposer
- Convert rows to columns
Email Extractor
- Find email addresses in the given text.
Escape Html
- Secure your website and protect it from XSS attacs.
Extract Text Between Two Strings
- Filter out all the phrases between two given strings or characters.
Extract Unique Words
- Lists all unique words from the text.
Filter a list
- Clean the list from the items that either match or don't match the pattern.
Find and Replace
- Search and replace any string or pattern
Find the longest line
- Search for the longest line in the text.
HTML stripper
- Remove HTML tags from the text.
HTML to CSV Converter
- Turn the HTML table into CSV for further analysis.
HTML to Markdown Converter
- Turn HTML into Markdown
JSON to CSV Converter
- Turn any JSON file into CSV or TSV.
JSON to XML Converter
- Transform your JSON object into XML file
JSON to YAML Converter
- Turn JSON into reader-friendly YAML
Line Counter
- Calculates number of lines on the list.
List Randomizer
- Shuffle list items in random order.
Lorem Ipsum Generator
- Sample text generator
Markdown to HTML Converter
- Transform Markdown into HTML
Markdown to Text Converter
- Turm Markdown documents into plain text.
MD5 Hash Generator
- Create MD5 checksum
Minify Text
- Reduce the length of the text by removing unnecessary characters.
Morse Code Decoder and Encoder
- Translate morse code
Number Extractor
- Find all numerical values in the given text.
Number Sorter
- Sort list of numbers by value.
Numbers to Words Converter
- Automate the tedious task to rewriting numbers into words.
Pattern Extractor
- Finds all strings that match provided pattern.
Phone Number Extractor
- Find all phone numbers in a given text.
Random Date Generator
- Create a list of dates in the selected format.
Random Email Generator
- Create a list of unique email addresses.
Random IP Generator
- Create a list of IPv4 or IPv6 addresses.
Random MAC Addresses Generator
- Create a list of dummy Media Access Control (MAC) addresses.
Random Number Generator
- Create a list of numbers from a defined range.
Random Password Generator
- Create a list of strong passwords.
Random String Generator
- Create fixture data for unit tests.
Random UUID Generator
- Create a list of unique user identifiers.
Realistic Random Names Generator
- Create a list of names that look like a regular list of people.
Remove Diacritics
- Remove accents from text
Remove Duplicate Words
- Clean your data by removing duplicated string occurrences.
Remove duplicates from the list
- Clears the list by removing duplicated lines.
Remove Empty Lines
- Clears the list from empty lines or lines containing only whitespaces.
Remove Line Breaks
- Delete or replace line breaks.
Remove Line Numbers
- Remove numbers from the beginning of each line.
Remove Lines Containing String
- Clean the text from lines containing the specified strings or pattern.
Remove Non-Alphanumeric Characters
- Clears the text from all characters that are not a digit or letter.
Remove Punctuation
- Remove special characters without changing the meaning of the text.
Remove Spaces
- Remove all whitespace from the text.
Reverse List
- Flips the order of the elements on the list.
Reverse Text
- Spell whole text backward, flip words, or mirror lines.
ROT13 Decoder and Encoder
- Decipher encrypted messages
SHA-1 Hash Generator
- Create SHA-1 checksum
SHA-256 Hash Generator
- Create SHA-256 checksum
SHA-512 Hash Generator
- Create SHA-512 checksum
Slugify Text
- Transform your text into clean and SEO-friendly version.
Snake Case Converter
- Transforms "Any Text" to "any_text"
Sort By Length
- Reorders the list by the length of each line.
StrPad Online
- Add characters to each line to match the target length.
Text Repeater
- Repeat the given string multiple times.
Text To HTML Converter
- Turn plain text into HTML document.
Trim Online
- Remove unwanted characters from a string's start and end.
Unescape HTML
- Turn HTML entities into the accual HTML tags.
URL Encoder / Decoder
- Ensuring proper URL formatting.
URL Extractor
- Find all URLs in a given text.
Word Counter
- Calculates number of word in text provided.
Word Frequency Counter
- Count how many times a word is used in a given text.
Words to Numbers Converter
- Convert text representation of numbers to numerical form.
XML to CSV Converter
- Turn any XML into CSV format
XML to JSON Converter
- Transform your XML data into JSON format
XML to YAML Converter
- Convert any XML into reader-friendly YAML format
YAML to JSON Converter
- Simplify data manipulation by translating YAML to JSON
YAML to XML Converter
- Turn any YAML file into an XML equivalent.