Extracted data:
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0 without spaces
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Find the longest line

Search through the large list to find the longest line

With the help of PicoToolkit, you can find the longest line within an extensive list in a matter of seconds.

Just copy and paste your list and select Sort -> Length desc. The list will be reordered from the longest line to the shortest. So the line you are looking for will be the first one.

General applications:

Find items with too long names.

Sometimes your list of items could not pass the validation of some other app. If there is no clear error message, you could use our tool to find the lines that exceed a specified length.

Find the lines merged by accident.

This problem happens the most often. The newline character may be removed anciently, resulting in two lines merged into one. With the PicoToolkit, you will fix it with ease.

E-commerce appliactions of PicoToolkit:

Our tool can be helpful to e-commerce managers who seek improvements in product management, inventory management, or SEO. Here are some examples:

  1. Product Information Management:
    The tool can help you find the longest product name or description in a product information management system. This information can help ensure that the system is set up to accommodate long product names and descriptions and avoid truncation or data loss. For example if you preparing a migration to the new platform or software.
  2. Catalog Management:
    In an e-commerce platform, you can use PicoToolkit to identify the longest product title or description in a catalog. This can help optimize the catalog by identifying long product names or descriptions that may need to be shortened or reformatted to improve the readability and user experience in your webstore.
  3. Inventory Management:
    In an inventory management system, you can emply PicoToolkit to find the longest product SKU or barcode. This can help ensure the system can accommodate long SKUs or barcodes and avoid potential data errors or truncation.
  4. Data Cleaning:
    In data cleaning and standardization processes, you can use our tool to identify product name or description outliers. This can help ensure product data is consistent and standardized across different systems and platforms.
  5. Reporting and Analysis:
    In reporting and analyzing product data, you can identify the products with the longest titles or descriptions and edit them to match current search engine guidelines.

Other useful tricks.

PicoToolkit lets you find the longest line. The editor lets you find the lines containing certain phrases or matching a specific pattern. 

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