Extracted data:
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0 without spaces
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Remove Line Breaks

The best way to remove line breaks

PicoToolkit allows you to get rid of unwanted line breaks. 

Depending on your needs, you could either:

Remove all line breaks in the document.

By doing so, all text will be put into a single line. 

To remove all newline characters, select Remove -> Line breaks.

Remove only abnormally inserted line breaks.

As a result, you will have all double line breaks removed. So you will have only one break after each paragraph.

To remove only duplicated newline characters, select Remove -> Empty lines.

Transform a multiline list to a single line.

Converting multiline to single line is often mandatory to input data into specific software.

Sometimes a multiline list results from wrong formatting after you copy&paste data between various apps. Luckily with the help of our tool, you can revert it.

When you may need to remove line breaks from the text?

  1. Data cleaning:
    When working with datasets, line breaks can sometimes be added unintentionally, which can interfere with data analysis. Removing line breaks can help to clean up the data and ensure that it is properly formatted for analysis.
  2. Parsing text:
    When parsing text data, line breaks can sometimes create issues with the parsing process. Removing line breaks can help to simplify the parsing process and ensure that the data is properly extracted.
  3. Database imports:
    When importing data into a database, line breaks can sometimes create issues with the import process. Removing line breaks can help to ensure that the data is properly formatted for import and that the import process is successful.
  4. Text analysis:
    When analyzing large volumes of text data, line breaks can create inconsistencies in the data that can interfere with the analysis. Removing line breaks can help to ensure that the data is properly formatted and consistent.
  5. Generating reports:
    When generating reports from data, line breaks can sometimes create issues with the formatting of the report. Removing line breaks can help to ensure that the report is properly formatted and that the data is presented in a clear and concise manner.
  6. Copy-pasting text:
    When copying and pasting text from one application to another, line breaks can sometimes be added unintentionally. Removing these line breaks can help to ensure that the text appears as intended and is properly formatted.
  7. Removing unwanted spaces:
    When editing a text document, line breaks can sometimes result in unwanted spaces or gaps in the text. Removing line breaks can help to eliminate these spaces and make the text more compact.


PicoToolkit allows you to achieve much more!

The mission of this website is to improve your productivity. Currently, our editor allows you to perform dozens of text modifications on text documents.

To see all available options visit the list of available options.

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