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Add prefix or suffix to each element of a list

If you wish to alter your list of items, this online is just for you. It allows you to add a particular phrase to each line of text you provide.

The phrase could be placed at the beginning of each line (prefix) or the end (suffix).

When you may need to add prefix or suffix to the each element of the list?

  1. File names:
    When working with a list of file names, adding a prefix or suffix to each element can help to identify the type of file or provide additional information about the file. For example, adding a date prefix to a file name can make it easier to organize and track files.
  2. Identifiers:
    When working with a list of identifiers, such as customer IDs or product codes, adding a prefix or suffix can help to differentiate between different types of identifiers. This can be particularly useful when working with large datasets.
  3. URL paths:
    When working with a list of URL paths, adding a prefix or suffix can help to identify the purpose of the path or provide additional information about the resource being accessed. For example, adding a language prefix to a URL path can help to indicate the language of the content.
  4. Product categories:
    When organizing products into categories on an online store, adding a prefix or suffix to each product name can help to indicate the category to which it belongs. For example, adding a prefix like "Shoes-" or "Apparel-" can help to indicate that the product is part of the shoes or apparel category.
  5. Product branding:
    When selling products from multiple brands on an online store, adding a prefix or suffix to each product name can help to indicate the brand. For example, adding a prefix like "Nike-" or "Adidas-" can help to indicate the brand of the product.
  6. Product availability:
    When offering products that have different levels of availability, adding a prefix or suffix to each product name can help to indicate the level of availability. For example, adding a suffix like "-In Stock" or "-Limited Availability" can help to indicate the availability of the product.
  7. Product discounts:
    When offering discounts on specific products in an online store, adding a prefix or suffix to each product name can help to indicate that the product is on sale. For example, adding a prefix like "Sale-" or a suffix like "-50% off" can help to indicate that the product is discounted.
  8. Contact categories:
    When organizing contacts into categories, adding a prefix or suffix to each contact name can help to indicate the category to which they belong. For example, adding a prefix like "Family-" or "Work-" can help to indicate whether the contact is a family member or a work colleague.
  9. Geographic locations:
    When managing a list of contacts that are spread out across different geographic locations, adding a prefix or suffix to each contact name can help to indicate their location. For example, adding a suffix like "-New York" or "-London" can help to indicate the city in which the contact is located.
  10. Contact types:
    When managing a list of contacts that have different types of relationships with your organization, adding a prefix or suffix to each contact name can help to indicate their relationship type. For example, adding a prefix like "Customer-" or "Vendor-" can help to indicate whether the contact is a customer or a vendor.
  11. Contact status:
    When managing a list of contacts that have different status levels, adding a prefix or suffix to each contact name can help to indicate their status. For example, adding a prefix like "Inactive-" or "VIP-" can help to indicate whether the contact is an inactive or a VIP contact.
  12. Contact Source:
    When managing a list of contacts that were obtained from different sources, adding a prefix or suffix to each contact name can help to indicate the source. For example, adding a suffix like "-LinkedIn" or "-Trade Show" can help to indicate the source from which the contact was obtained.

Boost your productivity with PicoToolkit

The feature that makes PicoToolkit so special is the ability to prepare your list for the operation. Thanks to our advanced editor, you could:

Performing similar tasks using a spreadsheet requires a lot of formula writing and even more clicks. All the above actions could be performed with just a single click. Thanks to this, you could boost your productivity.

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