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HTML stripper

The fastest way to strip HTML tags

PicoToolkit allows you to remove HTML tags from the document you provide.

Just copy and paste your list and select Remove -> HTML. The resulting list will contain only the regular text without unnecessary HTML tags.

Key features:

Remove all HTML tags from the document.

The most often used method. Finds and deletes all tags in the provided text.

Remove certain HTML tags from the document.

Often there is a need to remove some HTML tags — for example, images or links and leave the other tags.

Remove HTML tags that are not on the list.

It is the opposite functionality to the previous one. You could provide a whitelist of the tags that are allowed in the document. 

The tags from the list will be left untouched, and the rest will be removed.

Remove tag attributes

This advanced feature allows you to clear the document from custom CSS classes or inline styles.

When may this HTML to text tool be helpful?

  • If you're a content writer, our tool can help you prepare your content for publication in various formats, including blog posts, social media updates, and email newsletters. By removing the HTML tags from your text, you can ensure that your content is free from formatting issues that could distract or confuse your readers.
  • If you're a web developer, PicoToolkit can help you clean up your code and improve the performance of your website. Removing unnecessary HTML tags can reduce the size of your HTML files, which can help improve page load times.
  • If you're a data analyst, you may use PicoToolkit to clean up and standardize data that includes HTML markup. This can help ensure that your data is consistent and can be easily analyzed by various applications.
  • If you're a marketer, use PicoToolkit to prepare your marketing copy for use in a variety of channels, including email marketing campaigns, social media updates, and advertising copy. By removing HTML tags, you can ensure you save time on manual text edit.

What types of HTML tags or attributes may you need to remove?

  • "a" tags:
    If you're preparing content for a publication or platform that doesn't allow hyperlinks, you may need to remove all "a" tags from your text. This could include submitting content to a print publication or preparing content for a social media platform that doesn't allow clickable links.
  • "img" tags:
    If you're preparing content for a platform that doesn't support images, you may need to remove all "img" tags from your text. This could include submitting content to a text-only website or preparing content for an email newsletter that doesn't support embedded images.
  • "style" and "script" tags:
    In some cases, you may need to remove other HTML tags from your text to ensure that it displays correctly in a particular context. For example, you may need to remove all "style" tags to ensure that your content displays correctly in an email newsletter or remove all "script" tags to prevent security issues.
  • "style" attributes:
    If you're cleaning up HTML code to ensure that it displays correctly in a particular context, you may need to remove any style attributes that could interfere with the default styling of the platform or application where you're publishing your content.
  • "class" and "id" attributes:
    If you're analyzing text data that includes HTML markup, you may need to remove class and id attributes to ensure that the text is consistent and can be easily analyzed. These attributes are often used for styling and layout purposes and may not be relevant for analysis.
  • "onclick" and other event-related attributes:
    If you're preparing content for a platform or application that doesn't allow JavaScript or other interactive features, you may need to remove onclick and other event-related attributes from your HTML code.
  • "title" and "alt" attributes:
    If you're preparing content for a platform or application that doesn't support images, you may need to remove title and alt attributes from your HTML code. These attributes provide descriptive text for images and may not be relevant if images are not supported.

Other useful tricks.

PicoToolkit lets you filter out not only HTML tags but all the lines containing certain phrases or matching a specific pattern.

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