Extracted data:
0 characters
0 without spaces
0 words
0 lines

Line Counter

Key functionality of this line counter app

This simple online tool counts the number of lines in the text you provide. The tool is handy for finding the line count of a large block of text, but it could solve many different problems for you.

Find the size of the list

The most basic yet most useful feature. The tool will calculate the number of items in the provided list. This way, you could identify, for example, the number of contacts you have in your database or the number of products in your inventory.

Find number of unique lines

Lists may often contain duplicated lines. By removing the duplicated entries, you may find how many unique items are on the list. This is particularly useful when you merge multiple datasets or operate on the list from an unknown source.

To help you, even more, PicoToolkit allows you to get rid of duplicates regardless of the character case of the items. You could just by one click transform the list to the same case and remove the duplicates.

Find number of not empty lines

Empty lines may be another obstacle in finding the actual size of the list. PicoToolkit will help you filter out empty lines or lines containing just blank spaces.

Count lines containing phrase

Following two features allow you to search through large lists and extract any data you want. You could, for example, count the number of entries mentioning a particular person or item. This is handy if you analyze the output of various operation or event logs which may contain thousands of lines.

Count lines not containing phrase

This is the opposite functionality to the one described before. You could find the number of lines where a particular pattern is not available.

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